The New Year (Re: WWP #15)

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    [caption id="attachment_146" align="alignright" width="298"]Weekend Writing Prompt #15 The one resolution she can’t afford to break.[/caption]

    Karen Winters stepped into her daughter’s bedroom to find her curled up on her bed, crying. “Hey, it’s a new year.” She leaned down and kissed the side of Serenity’s face.

    Serenity continued to cry.

    “What is it, baby? Talk to me.” Karen slid Serenity’s hair behind her ear.

    “I miss him so much, Mama. What if I lose him?”

    Karen’s heart stopped. “Luke?” Karen tried to imagine what it would be like to go over a year without talking to Brad. She had been away from him only in the hospital and when she was pregnant.

    Serenity cried harder, pushing her face into her pillow. Karen let her mind wander back to the months she and Brad were separated. What had kept her from calling him? If she had called him, he would have come home right away. She was sure he would have. What had stopped her?

    She placed her hand on Serenity’s back, hoping the touch conveyed reassurance, and let her mind wander across the months of separation from Brad.

    She remembered reaching for the phone multiple times and the Lord halting her, impressing her to wait. She recalled the peace she felt and how fear had no hold on her through those weeks.

    “Baby, turn around here and look at me.”

    Serenity pulled the sheet up to wipe her face and rolled over. Her red eyes were swollen and moist. “Sit up.” Karen coaxed softly.

    Serenity pulled herself up, facing her mother.

    “What is your name?”

    “Mom.” She rolled her eyes.

    Karen touched her hand. “Tell me.”


    “Serenity what?”


    Karen lifted her daughter’s chin and gave her a gentle smile. “Yes. And do you know why?”

    “Because you like the name?”

    Karen’s smile widened. “No. Because those are the promises God spoke to me concerning you.”

    “I don’t get it.” Serenity wiped the sheet across her face again.

    Karen held Serenity’s gaze. “He spoke to me and promised grace and serenity. That’s how I got your name.”

    “Well, I don’t feel either.” Pools gathered in the girl’s eyes.

    Hand still under her daughter’s chin, Karen asked, “are you praying, baby?”

    The pools overflowed again. “Yes, Mama. I pray all the time.”

    “Are you reading the bible?”

    Serenity lowered her head. “Not really.”

    “Get back in the word, baby.” Karen pushed a strand of hair out of her daughter’s face. “Keep praying and get back in the word. You will find both, serenity and grace, if you do. It’s his promise to you.”

    “You really think so?”

    Karen kissed Serenity’s forehead. “I know so.”

    Serenity glanced across the room. “Will you hand me my bible, Mama? That’s a resolution I can start right now.”

    Karen blinked back tears of her own. She handed the bible to her daughter and thanked God for his mercy as she left the room.

    Excerpt from WITH ALL MY HEART
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