Poetic Forms: Couplets

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      Poetic Forms: Couplets

      A stanza is simply a group of lines in a poem that is separated from other groups of lines by extra white space (the “paragraph” of a poem, if you will.)

      Poetic Forms: a new topic in the Poet Writer Extraordinaire online writing community forums.

      A line of poetry can be any length, though some forms of poetry have specific rules for the length of the line. A stanza can be rhyming or nonrhyming. Rhyme schemes are specified in some forms of poetry and unnecessary in others.

      A stanza consisting of 2 lines is called a couplet.

      Examples include:

      This is line number one,
      And line number two. Done.


      I went to the store to get a treat
      And filled up my basket with nothing to eat
      Came home hungry with no food in sight
      Went to a restaurant to have a bite


      It was a dark and stormy night
      With only a sliver of moonlight.
      In the shadows, I could see
      His bright blue eyes fixed on me.
      He whispered my name
      And took my hand,
      And just like that,
      I wasn't scared again.

      As you can see,
      a poem can be

      as short or long
      as you want it.

      It can be

      Two lines
      Four lines

      Eight lines
      More lines

      And only rhyme if
      you want it to.

      Come write with me!

      Try your hand at a couplet or two.


      Add as many as you like.

      I can’t wait to see what you do.


      Another example of a poem written in couplets is White Fields by James Stephen’s as seen here: https://www.poetry.com/poem/20546/white-fields



      The following is a perfect example of poetry written in couplets. You can read more by louis gander on Faithwriters at https://articles.faithwriters.com/reprint-article-details.php?article=38520.

      Shared with permission. All rights reserved.


      by louis gander


      A hard worker, I was, with zig and with zag,

      but God said that my work was one filthy rag.


      I said, “I’m a self-made multi-millionaire.”

      But God said, “You’re prideful and I do not care.”


      I argued, “I poured my whole life into this.”

      But God then responded, “What life did you miss?”


      I said, “I deserve my most hard-earned reward.’

      But God said, “I’ll give you a cross like your Lord.”


      I cried, “You can’t do that! I’ll commit suicide!”

      But God said, “I know that. You once almost died.”


      Screamed I, “Seven properties! It just isn’t fair!”

      But God whispered gently, “I still do not care.”


      I cried in my pity. My tears hit the floor.

      But God answered kindly, “I promise you more.”


      They’ve stolen my hard work and all of my years!”

      I pointed in anger, “See my pool of tears?”


      He knocked on my heart’s door. I said, “Go away.”

      But God kept on knocking… yes, day after day.


      I fell to my knees in emotional stress.

      But God reassured me, “It’s you I will bless.”


      “Just how will you bless me?” I asked selfishly.

      And God answered softly, “Come here close to me.”


      I got up but I just stood stubbornly there.

      God simply responded, “Life never is fair.”


      I said, “I can hear you. What next?” I had sighed.

      Then God again answered, “Come here to my side.”


      Not sure of His motives, I came to Him then.

      He held me. He loved me. I cried once again.


      “I confess, I repent, I now understand you.”

      Then God said, “Forgiven. Now here’s what you do.”


      I listened intently now free of all sin.

      The vine was quite diff’rent. He grafted me in!


      My job was to bear fruit, the best that I could.

      There were abused children and help them, I would.


      My elders, my neighbors, the sick needed care.

      The years were before me. Good friends I made there.


      Once filled up with money, my heart nearly froze.

      Now I’m loving others, my warmth overflows.


      Remember, my God, when I acted as child?

      You guided and taught me to be meek and mild.


      I’m sorry, my God, when my tears filled the floor.

      Then God said, “Don’t worry. My tears numbered more.”

      Copyright 2021 by louis gander.
      Poetry for sermons, story poems and more…
      If you love story poems, then you’ll love ganderpoems.org / no ads, no sign-up, no tracking. Just free inspirational poetry.
      Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.comCHRISTIAN WRITERS
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